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24/7 Dairy Operation
Herd number is about 1525 with 350 dry and close up cows
We milk 176 cows per hour
We produce 120,000 pounds or 15,000 gallons of milk per day
We have an average of 10 calves born per day
5 different rations made up of a combination of corn or corn silage and different varieties of hay, plant-based proteins and vitamins and minerals
Each ration is specific to cow’s requirements for the amount of milk she is producing
Cows are fed once per day which will last them 24 hours
Cow Comfort
Cows live in free stall barns that are climate controlled to ensure maximum comfort
Cows lay on sand to keep them clean and help keep them cool or warm depending on time of year
Cows are free to roam about, eat, drink, sleep and chat with their other cow friends